Danny Bojic

Photo of Danny Bojic
Nashville, TN
Tennessee Tech University
Austin Peay State University
PC Gaming, Streaming Services, Social Media
  • Danny has been obsessed with video games and technology since a young age.
  • He got into PC gaming during college, built his own computer, and hasn't stopped looking for opportunities to upgrade.
  • HyperX sent him their entire Naruto collaboration, which he reviewed and still uses to this day.


Danny has written professionally since 2020. During his early years, he worked in tech support while freelancing on the side. He's been writing full-time since joining Static Media in 2022. Although Danny got his start in entertainment journalism, he's always had a soft spot for technology, covering video games for smaller websites like The Click and The Illuminerdi. He prides himself on being his friends' go-to source for information on the latest tech and video game news.


Danny has a bachelor's degree from Tennessee Tech University and a master's from Austin Peay State University.
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Our editors, advisors, and fact-checkers conduct regular reviews to ensure the accuracy, timeliness, and completeness of our articles. Complete information on our editorial process available here.

Stories By Danny Bojic